+65-6383-2911 info@reditech.com.sg

Legacy PA Systems

MillbankMillbank Electronics was a UK based manufacturer of high quality Public Address, SystemBackground Music and Fireman Intercom Systems till the 2000’s.  Its products were installed in a wide variety of buildings ranging from factories to schools, shopping centres and stadiums.  Millbank Electronics products were well known for its high quality and as such many of its systems are still in use today. Reditech was the Singapore agent for Millbank Electronics’ Products and we have the spare parts, knowledge and experience to maintain, rectify or upgrade/modify your aging Millbank Public Address or Background Music System.  If you need to improve the clarity or functionality of your system or upgrade it to comply with the latest most stringent regulations you can be rest assured that Reditech is the ideal support provider. Below is a small selection of equipment we still routinely service:

PAC6m PicPAC6M Mixer Mainframe

PAC300 PicPAC 150/300 Power Amplifier Mainframes
Modules PicIPA 301/304/308 Input Modules DPM PicDPM 900/904/908 Paging Microphones
Ultima PicUltima Amplifiers PAC SRM PicPAC SRM